Welcome to Sunny California
All right, I guess I've put this off long enough. I suppose this means that the LA trip I went on with
Isolde from August 9th to August 12th is really over and that the summer's really coming to a close and that – holy crap! – I start work in about a week from now. Egads. Anyway, on with the recap of our short trip to Los Angeles. The trip might've actually been shorter than this recap is. So, you know, brace yourselves. I thought of editing it down, but really, I can't be bothered. Apologies; feel free to skip bits of it, or don't if you actually want to
listen to read my rambles.
( Day One )( Day Two )( Day Three )( Day Four )( And, later that day, back in Toronto )Anyway, so that's that. The whole trip went by really quickly – and I knew it would, because four days is a short time to cover a city like LA, but it went even faster than I'd anticipated. I hope my travelmate enjoyed the trip as much as I did. :) And now that I've finally finishing typing this trip recap up, we can get on with our regularly-scheduled programming. Um, or we will, once I actually have something else to say. Tootles!